Sunday, 20 January 2019

The brightest star in the universe

Do you know the brightest star. Happy reading, always want to know what mountains, seas or canyons are the highest, deepest or widest. And when observing the night sky, we always want to know what is the brightest thing. In terms of the stars seen from Earth, the brightest is Sirius Although it is the brightest star. Sirius is not the brightest sky object seen from Earth. Apart from the Sun and the Moon (which shines brighter brighter than Sirius) there are still planets such as Venus and Jupiter which also appear more radiant than the appearance of Sirius. Likewise Mercury and Mars, depending on their position in their orbits relative to the Earth, can be more aggressive. But, of all the true stars in the sky (not including the Sun), Sirius is the most brilliant, even about twice the brightness of the second brightest star in the sky, Canopus. As much as the star of the Sirius class is known to be larger than our Sun and shines with an absolute magnitude of 20 times the luminosity of the Sun. But, just like the Sun, Sirius is still in the main sequence phase, which means it still burns hydrogen at its core, not yet developing into the giant phase. Then, why can Sirius be so bright even though it is not a giant star? Apparently this is because the distance is relatively close to Earth. With a distance of only 8.6 light years, Sirius is arguably the sixth closest star of the Sun. Indeed, there are more stars close to us than Sirius, like the Alpha Centauri system which is 4.2 light years away. However, there is not one full that can match Sirius's absolute magnitude. Sirius is also not a single star like the Sun. He is not alone, but is a binary system (two stars circling each other). Sirius's companion star is known as a small (smaller than Earth) white dwarf named Sirius B. In view of Earth, Sirius is located in the direction of the constellation Kanis Mayor. In Indonesia, these constellations can be observed in the eastern sky during January around an hour after sunset. Sirius will be very easy to find because its appearance will be very bright compared to other stars.
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