Tuesday, 22 January 2019

The History Of The Formation Of The Moon

The moon is a dramatic reminder of how chaotic and chaotic the beginning of our solar system is. According to the explanation of scientists, the Moon was formed due to the collision between Earth and protoplanets called Theia about 4.5 billion years ago The Moon is a natural satellite of Earth, our closest friend in space. The moon has had a huge influence on our lives since ancient times, its gravitational pull has caused tides and tides in the oceans on Earth. In fact, scientists suspect that the effects of the stabilization that the Moon gave to Earth's shaking and climate are helping the evolution of life on Earth. Without the Moon, life on Earth would be far different. Without the Moon, perhaps there would never be humans Vang admired the Moon needed the same time for rotating on its axis and evolving around the earth, that's why we can only see one side of the Moon from Earth This is called tidal lock, locked by gravity. The moon is also the only celestial body that humans have ever visited. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes the Moon as "a very beautiful barren world." Source: National Geographic.

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Sunday, 20 January 2019

The brightest star in the universe

Do you know the brightest star. Happy reading, always want to know what mountains, seas or canyons are the highest, deepest or widest. And when observing the night sky, we always want to know what is the brightest thing. In terms of the stars seen from Earth, the brightest is Sirius Although it is the brightest star. Sirius is not the brightest sky object seen from Earth. Apart from the Sun and the Moon (which shines brighter brighter than Sirius) there are still planets such as Venus and Jupiter which also appear more radiant than the appearance of Sirius. Likewise Mercury and Mars, depending on their position in their orbits relative to the Earth, can be more aggressive. But, of all the true stars in the sky (not including the Sun), Sirius is the most brilliant, even about twice the brightness of the second brightest star in the sky, Canopus. As much as the star of the Sirius class is known to be larger than our Sun and shines with an absolute magnitude of 20 times the luminosity of the Sun. But, just like the Sun, Sirius is still in the main sequence phase, which means it still burns hydrogen at its core, not yet developing into the giant phase. Then, why can Sirius be so bright even though it is not a giant star? Apparently this is because the distance is relatively close to Earth. With a distance of only 8.6 light years, Sirius is arguably the sixth closest star of the Sun. Indeed, there are more stars close to us than Sirius, like the Alpha Centauri system which is 4.2 light years away. However, there is not one full that can match Sirius's absolute magnitude. Sirius is also not a single star like the Sun. He is not alone, but is a binary system (two stars circling each other). Sirius's companion star is known as a small (smaller than Earth) white dwarf named Sirius B. In view of Earth, Sirius is located in the direction of the constellation Kanis Mayor. In Indonesia, these constellations can be observed in the eastern sky during January around an hour after sunset. Sirius will be very easy to find because its appearance will be very bright compared to other stars.
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Friday, 18 January 2019

Will Saturn's Ring Disappear?

Do you know that Saturn's ring will disappear in one billion years? Happy reading. Do you want to see Saturn's rings ?, hurry up !! Because a recent study shows that Saturn's ring will disappear in about 1 billion years from now, or about a quarter of the remaining age of the Sun, what causes it? The good news is, Saturn's ring will last 10 times longer than we previously thought that states that Saturn's ring will disappear in 100 million years from now. This finding was published in a paper in the Icarus journal, with a research team led by William Farrell from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, USA In his research, Farrell and his colleagues used data from the Cassini spacecraft. When it arrived in Saturn's orbit in July 2004, Cassini crossed the main and brightest ring, the B ring. It provided a unique opportunity to obtain unique plasma data from Ring B using an instrument called the Radio and Plasma Wave System (RPWS). it is known that Saturn's rings gradually lost material, Previous research using Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in 1980 and 1981 had stated this caused by interstellar debris that pounded the ring system, created plasma and released. However, Cassini found that plasma on Saturn's ring did not appear to be caused by interstellar debris, but from the sun's light which caused the photolytic process. The process creates plasma, which produces negatively charged electrons which are indicators of the disappearance of Saturn's rings from time to time, where the peak is 1 billion years from now. To confirm and confirm whether this theory is correct, astronomers are now waiting for data coming from Cassini. The unmanned spacecraft is currently carrying out a series of flyovers between Saturn and the ring. Cassini will again use the RPWS instrument in the series of flyovers. That way, in the near future Cassini will send valuable data that can tell us how long Saturn's ring will last.
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Sunday, 13 January 2019

Interesting Facts About The Sun That You Don't Know Yet

First, the Sun is Yellow Dwarf Although the true color of the Sun is white, the Sun is classified as a type G yellow dwarf star (G2V). The classification does not only contain yellow stars, but can vary in color. Ranging from yellow to low-temperature stars, to white for hotter ones. The sun is classified as a yellow dwarf when it is white because of its temperature and luminosity. The temperature and luminosity of the Sun tend to be similar to yellow dwarf stars. So, to make it easier, astronomers classify the Sun in the same group a.

Second, the Sun is the Biggest in the Solar System The sun is the hottest, largest, most massive object in the solar system. Just imagine, more than 99.8% of the mass of the solar system is dominated by the Sun. In comparison, the diameter of the Earth is "only" around 12,742 kilometers, while the Sun has a diameter of about 1,392,600 kilometers. The weight of the Sun is also known to be around 333,000 times heavier than Earth. And don't ask about the volume, because the volume of the Sun is known to be more than 1.142 trillion cubic kilometers, which means it can hold about 1.3 million Earths in it. Third, the Sun Is Almost Perfectly Rounded Given the extraordinary size and volume of the Sun, the Sun is also is a celestial object that is almost perfectly round. The equator's diameter, which reaches almost 1.4 million kilometers, only differs about 10 kilometers with its polar diameter. This fact makes the Sun shaped like a ball that is almost perfectly round. If the Sun is shrinking — somehow to the size of a beach ball, the difference between the widest and narrowest diameter will be less than the width of a human hair.

Third, the Sun Throws the Wind The Sun does not like the wind on Earth. In astronomers' observations, it was known that the Sun produced about 386 billion billion mega Watts of energy through nuclear fusion, which converts hydrogen to helium This energy moves out of its core, and is continuously absorbed and re-emitted at the level and temperature of energy which gets lower until it appears, where some of it will seen as optical light. Some of the Sun's energy is then radiated as heat. The rest, the energy is released in the flow of energetic particles known as the solar wind, the wind that blows throughout the solar system at a speed of 450 kilometers per second. The wind is not without impact to Earth. Because it blows throughout the solar system, satellites that orbit the Earth are often affected. Sometimes too causing chaos in receiving radio and TV signals on Earth. Solar wind is also one of the causes of aurora.

Fourth, the Sun's Magnetic Field 3,000 times the Earth Although the Sun's magnetic field is only about twice as strong as the Earth's magnetic field, the differential rotation of the Sun which concentrates the field at several points in the Sun's body has made it 3,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetic concentration manifests as "Sun Spots" black spots that can appear on the surface of the Sun from latitude 45 degrees north to 45 degrees south of the equator of the Sun. Not only the Sunspots, a larger disturbance in the Sun's magnetic field can cause the appearance of flares or solar flares that can extend hundreds of thousands of kilometers above the surface of the Sun.

Fifth, the farther away from the sun, the hotter logically, the farther we are from the heat source, the cooler the ambient temperature we feel it should be. But, the fact is that the opposite happens to the Sun, you know! The farther we are from the Sun, the more heat. This was first known in 1939. The temperature in the core of the Sun is estimated at around 10 million degrees Celsius, but the surface temperature is "only" 5,500 degrees Celsius only A recent analysis of the SOHO spacecraft mission data shows that the very large temperature differences are due to a faster rotation rate in the core rather than throughout the radiative zone (surface).

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Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Longest Star in the Universe

     Thank you very much for those of you who have chosen to choose what is the longest-lived object in the universe. And yeah, here we will discuss the real answer and who among you is right? The answer is "Red Dwarf Star" !!!, want to know the reason why he is the winner? Come see the following explanation.
        What is the Red Dwarf Star? »So the red dwarf star is the type of star that stars can say with the lowest level, because indeed has a low surface temperature ranging from 2,500K to 3,000K, has a small size compared to the Sun, has a lower mass compared to the Sun. The red dwarf star has a reddish orange surface color in the visible light spectrum and is the object with the highest population in the universe, with a percentage reaching 70% in the main sequence star.
        Why Has a Long Life? » Just like stars in general, this type of star also performs fusion reactions in its core to maintain the balance of pressure from outside and inside the star is also formed like a star in general, only the amount of material that exists when its formation has less so that the star has a low mass. The low mass also causes a decrease in pressure and temperature, so the process of converting hydrogen atoms to heavier atoms becomes very long.
      The very long process that makes a red dwarf star has a long life span, its age can be more than 10 billion years or longer than the age limit of a star like the Sun. In contrast to stars that have mass, high pressure and temperature which causes the fusion process to run very fast, which makes the star has a short life, usually this is a star class O and B.
       Example of a Red Dwarf Star - A red dwarf star is a star commonly found in the universe so it's not too difficult to find it. Here are some examples of red dwarf stars, namely;
-Proxima Centauri Barnard Star
-Gliese 832
-Ross 128
Now that's him guys, why do red dwarf stars have a very long life What do you think? Are there more objects that have a long life time.
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Sunday, 6 January 2019

Staking Sky, Astronomers Reveal the Oldest Star Factory


    A team of astronomers from Yale University and University of California at Santa Cruz discovered a galaxy dating from 670 million years after the Big Bang. Galaxies are a clue to the condition of the universe while still a baby while being named the oldest and farthest galaxy from Earth. "This is truly a galaxy from the infancy of the universe," said Garth Illingworth, an astronomer from UC Santa Cruz involved in the research. EGS-Zs8-1 was originally discovered by astronomers by looking at data collected by the Hubble and Spitzer spacecraft. However, astronomers assume that the EGS-zs8-1 is too bright to originate from the region indicated by Hubble. To determine the distance, astronomers observed with the MOSFIRE Infrared Spectograph instrument at the Keck l Telescope in Hawaii Determination of distance is based on changes in light from these galaxies, from high-energy light such as ultraviolet to optical and infrared light The universe continues to expand. Light from the past travels farther away. In its journey, the light experienced a change in wavelength.
The analysis published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters later confirmed that the EGS-zs8-1 dates back to 670 million years after the Big Bang. The light detected from EGS-zs8-1 is very dim. However, the original EGS-zs8-1 is a very active galaxy and the light of the galaxy produces stars 80 times faster than the Milky Way, productive and fertile. Stars with a total mass of 8 billion times the Sun have been produced, 15 percent greater than the mass of the Milky Way. "If it is a galaxy near the Milky Way now, it will be blue because it forms many stars, said Llingworth quoted by the LA Times, Tuesday (05/05/2015) Observations show that EGS-zs8-1 exists when the universe undergoes an important process when hydrogen between galaxies changes from a neutral phase to ionizing It seems that the young stars formed by galaxies such as EGS-zs8-1 are driving "The main transition is called reionization," said Rychard Bouwens of Leiden Observatory. From observations, astronomers could conclude that when babies, the universe is rich in large galaxies. However, these galaxies differ in characteristics from those of today.
By further observing galaxies the same age as the EGS-zs8-1, astronomers will be able to describe the development of the reionation of the universe. The effort will be supported by the James Webb Telescope which will be launched by the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2018
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Difference in Professional Astronomers With Amateur Astronomers

1) Professional Astronomers
         Professional Astronomers are Astronomers who are already well versed in the field, they study Astronomy through formal education in their lectures. Professional astronomers will study one object for years even to the end of their lives. In the 20th century, professional astronomy was divided into two branches: observational astronomy and theoretical astronomy. The first involves collecting data from observations of celestial objects, which will then be analyzed using the basic principles of physics. The second focuses on developing computer / analytical models to explain the properties of celestial bodies and other natural phenomena. The two branches are complementary. theoretical astronomy attempts to explain observational observations of astronomy, and observational astronomy will then try to prove conclusions made by theoretical astronomy. But for professional astronomers, celestial observations using telescopes in observatories or even space shuttle telescopes cannot be done every day for just one object. Usually these astronomers submit proposals asking for the best time for observing one object which is only a few days a year. as well as professional astronomers from Indonesia Prof. Dr. Bambang Hidayat used to spend 200 nights a year observing, and studying several objects of the night sky. 
There are things that distinguish astronomers from scientists in other fields of knowledge. Astronomers cannot touch objects that are the object of their research because they are very far away from being able to experiment with them. But there is a liaison between astronomers and astronomical objects, namely in the form of a beam of energy. The task of astronomers is to process and interpret information carried by the emission of energy from these astronomical objects.

2) Amateur astronomers.
    Amateur astronomers are the name for people who like astronomy based on love and hobbies. They do not make their activities in Astronomy a source the coming of sustenance or income. They spend their time in the midst of their busy life. Anyone can become an amateur astronomer. Those who become amateur astronomers usually aim more at observing celestial objects without the help of astronomical instruments in their activities ranging from telescopes to hundreds of thousands, to tens of millions. That is why this hobby can be called an "expensive hobby" in Indonesia there are enough communities and clubs that become a gathering place for amateur astronomers to share astronomy around the observatory results.
The existence of astronomy among people wherever they are has the same goal of wanting to popularize Astronomy among the public from children to adults.
Amateur astronomy itself is usually associated with the word night observation, because most of them see star at night, starting from planetary observations or other astronomical phenomena such as meteor showers. But there are also those who observe stars during the day, the star is the Sun. Observing the sun more closely is also very interesting for amateur astronomers because we can see that the sun is not as smooth as we imagined or we see it, the sun has sunspots or internationally known as sunspot. And what is now popular with amateur astronomers is astrophotography, which is sky photography night, there are those who photograph the Milky Way galaxy, the planet, the moon to the meteor shower and there are also those who take photos of DSO (Deep Sky Objects) such as galaxy nebulae, neighboring clusters etc. In activities that amateur astronomers do they also have a role or role in keastronomian that exists today, many amateur astronomers can find new things in the world of astronomy ranging from asteroid discoveries to supernovas and that is very helpful especially for professional astronomers. For example, Anthony Wesley, who managed to observe and find an asteroid collision that was justified in 2009, Richard Miles, the inventor of the 2008 Hi Pasteorid, turned pretty fast in 2008, Gannady Borisov who discovered the comet only on July 8 2013. And also a project involving 10,000 amateur astronomers and professional astronomers who managed to find 2 million new objects that have not been identified such as star cluster nebulae, new stars, galaxies, super nova etc. One of my idol amateur astronomers is Oskha Liza . And Alessandro Bianconi.
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Friday, 4 January 2019

Partial Solar Eclipse Will Occur January 6, 2019

Astronomy Information- The first New Moon Phase in 2019 will fall on January 6 at 8:28 WIB. At some point on the surface of the Earth, the New Moon phase will make the Moon appear to pass between the Earth and the Sun, where a solar eclipse will occur The solar eclipse will be included in the type of passive solar eclipse where only the Sun's face will be destroyed by the Moon because the position of the Sun-Moon-Earth is not really straight in line. Unfortunately, Indonesia is not part of observing this eclipse. The only concern is that roots are seen from East Asia, with the mainland being China, Korea, Japan and Russia. While the area of ​​the ocean is the North Pasifk Ocean and Aleut (Alaska).
Partial solar eclipse January 6, 2019 begins when the sun rises in Asia, then moves quickly to the east for about 4 1/4 hours, until finally ending at sunset in the Aleut Islands stretching from Alaska. Indonesia was in the middle of the day when this eclipse happened, but the territory of our country did not go into the shadow of the Moon. Note the following infographics:

At the point of "Great Eclipse", about 68% of the face of the Sun will be blocked by the Moon, making the Sun which is usually round in the sky will turn into a sickle in a few minutes. This partial Solar Eclipse will occur from 07:30 WIB, when the Sun has just risen in the skies of China and the Korean Peninsula, eclipses were then seen in Japan starting at 08:00 WIB, until ending at 09:30 WIB in Alaska, USA For those of you who happened to be in the areas that were traversed by partial solar eclipse on January 6, 2019 and intended to watch it, make sure your eyes are safe by setting up filtered sun glasses!

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